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Ye Shu (@yechs)

Welcome to my website!


About Me

I am a first-year Computer Science PhD student advised by Prof. Stefan Savage and Prof. Geoff Voelker at University of California, San Diego. I am broadly interested in Security, Network Systems, and Programming Languages. I seek to combine formal and empirical methods to combat network security issues.

Before joining UCSD, I was a Computer Science and Philosophy double major at Williams College, where I worked with Prof. Daniel Barowy on various Programming Language topics. We used symbolic execution to formally verify conformance to OpenAPI specifications and also developed a domain specific language for online surveys (in collaboration with Prof. Emery Berger). In addition, I have spent a summer working with Prof. Roya Ensafi at University of Michigan, where we proposed a novel censorship-resistant bootstrapping methods for network proxies.

Within the philosophical domain, I am fascinated about epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mind. In English, they are just fancy terms for what we know, how our beliefs are justified, and whether we can build cognizant machines (read: AI). I am heavily influenced by the philosophical traditions of skepticism and relativism. Some of my favorite philosophers are David Hume, Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend, and Daniel Dennett.

Recent News


  • 3 Other Manuscripts In Preparation

    Respectively on the topics of network data plane verification, domain specific language for online surveys, and censorship resistance.
    Contact me for details if you are interested.
  • RESTAssured: Formally Verifying RESTful API Specification Conformance in Server-side Web Applications

    Ye Shu. Advised by Daniel Barowy.
    Undergraduate Honor Thesis. Williams College. 2024. Won Heighest Honors and Goldberg Colloquium Prize for Best CS Thesis Defense. [PDF (Williams College)]
  • SureVeyor: A Language for High-Quality Online Surveys

    Ye Shu, Emmie Hine, Hugo Hua, Emery Berger, Daniel Barowy.
    Presented At: PLATEAU 2024. [Conference] [Contact me for paper]
  • Binary Reed-Solomon Coding Based Distributed Storage Scheme in Information-Centric Fog Networks

    Ye Shu, Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, Jun Wu, Siyi Liao.
    In: IEEE CAMAD 2018. [Conference] [PDF (IEEE Xplore)]


Outdated Contents 🚧

These cards haven't been updated since 2020.

Open Source

I'm a believer in free and open source software (FOSS) and copyleft movement. Most of my works are open sourced if possible so others can potentially benefit from them. The source code for this website can be found here on GitHub.

Port Scanners

In one of my past internships, I specialized in the studies of port scanners, getting into the principles of network protocols like TCP/UDP and IPv4/v6. You can find the slide here for a talk I gave at that time.

Hello 👋

I am Ye Shu, a self-proclaimed geek who is enthusiastic in Computer Science, especially in the fields of Information Security and Computer Networking.

CTF & Hackathons

I'm member and co-founder of Team 0x194 and specialize in forensics and crypto. I also organized THE Hack, a series of hackathon events in China.

What's up?

I've been obsessed with amateur radio recently and wonders if I can receive a call sign before September.


I'm now an undergraduate at Williams College, the #1 Liberal Arts College in US and plan to study in various areas including CS, philosophy and maths. I studied IBDP in high school and scored 45 (full score) upon graduation.

Machine Learning

I enjoy employing Machine Learning to solve real-life problems. I once attempted to semantically analyze Android application bytecodes through Skip-Gram and LSTM and have also experimented deep reinforcement learning for intraday trading on Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Contact Me

You can solve this little challenge to find my email address : )


Tech Stack

I'm mostly proficient in Golang and Python, though I'm also used to TypeScript/JavaScript, C, PHP,... In addition, I typeset mostly (if not entirely) in Markdown and LaTeX. BTW I use Arch.

Web Developing

I'm a seasoned Web developer who started building websites since 2014 and am familiar to both MVC and MMVM. I used to program in PHP Laravel mostly but have transitioned to Go+React in recent years.